He strides among the saplings, the meadows and the groves. He whispers to the seedlings, befriends the oldest of trees, the newborn younglings. He is where the ceaseless tick-tock stream begins, where the river of time starts flowing. He is the several endings in a seamless cycle unending -- Spring blossoms upon the green boughs, as he awakens the slumbering folks. In summer, he is a brush that runs on empty canvas, sprinkling green leaves with brilliant radiance. Autumn is when he changes colour, leaves a trace of maple, adds a little flavour. In winter, he slows down his pace and reflects, making sure in the next cycle, not a soul is left unchecked. He remembers a distinct cracking noise on an egg, the migrating birds from the west, accompanied with foxes and rabbits, such splendid guests! The unfurling petals upon a stem; an eagle’s return to her nest; the falling leaves that wither in the air; a dying beast that is put to rest… So if you see the Green Man on a bushy trail, sit down, take a break. Hear his marvellous tales, witness his mystical magic, the cradle of life, feel a fleeting moment, with a thousand years entailed… As the sun rises and sets, as the daylight dazzles and disappears, he is, and he will always be here. About the author:
I'm Daniel Kay, and I'm a cerebral palsy poet, author, podcast scriptwriter and music producer. I'm also vegan (don't worry, I won't ramble on about it). I started writing in 2017 to combat my drinking, and so far I'm succeeding. However, I didn't begin to perform until 2020. Since then, I've released a book titled A View From A Wheelchair, curated an anthology raising money for the Birmingham Dogs Home titled Poetry Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas, and posted videos of some of my poems to music I produce on YouTube. I love nature and believe that we must protect it, so I write about it. I also write about my personal experiences with CP in order to help others understand. Additionally, I co-led a workshop and co-hosted an episode of WORD Stafford. I also started writing scripts for The (not so) Perfect Crime podcast in 2022. My website is https://www.dk4poetry.com/, and my social media and YouTube channel is DK4 Poetry.
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